Contact us today for all your plumbing needs!
Established in 2020, de Veer Plumbing, LLC is based in Abita Springs, Louisiana and is an owner-operated company that specializes in plumbing repairs, drains, leaks, water heaters, gas lines, and under slab repairs. We currently service the Northshore and Southshore areas including Slidell, New Orleans, Metairie, Abita Springs, Lacombe, Covington, Mandeville, Madisonville, Folsom, and Pearl River. For information about areas we service or to see if we have worked in your neighborhood, additional information can be found under the SERVICE LOCATIONS tab or by clicking here. We are a licensed and insured company and are operated by a licensed master plumber and licensed master natural gas fitter. Our current business hours are Monday-Friday 8am-4pm. Check out our website and feel free to contact us if you would like to set up a service appointment. We recommend calling or texting 985-445-8187 for the quickest response. We look forward to hearing from you!
For those that are curious, we currently are not able to service or work on well pumps, but we can provide information about companies/individuals we recommend to work with!
Discounts are available to all active military, veterans, seniors, and first responders.
We also now offer customer financing through WiseTack! For more information, select the FINANCING tab on the menu bar or click here.